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  23 February 2022
5 min

Mastering AWS Cloud: Cost Efficiency, Experimentation, and Configuration Explained

Watch our CTO, Ashin Antony’s in-depth tech talk on mastering AWS Cloud. Discover how to optimize costs with pay-as-you-go models and reduce overall IT expenses. Learn why AWS enables seamless experimentation without significant upfront investments and eliminates the need for capacity planning. Understand the comprehensive outsourcing of infrastructure management, including racks, servers, cooling, power, and networking. This talk is a must-watch for IT professionals and cloud enthusiasts looking to leverage AWS for maximum efficiency and innovation.
Ashin Antony
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Ashin brings to Ignitho two decades of technology leadership experience and was with Mindtree for close to a decade playing key tech leadership roles. His areas of specialization include Big Data, Cloud and Emerging Technologies; with expertise in designing and implementing digital enterprise solutions. Ashin is driving Ignitho’s Data, Cloud and Digital Engineering areas. He is also a business partner and is part of the core leadership team at Nuivio Ventures, Ignitho’s parent company.

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