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  3 March 2025
10 min

Database Normalization

This blog explains the basics of database normalization and why it is important for organizing and improving relational databases.It focuses on key ideas like reducing duplicate data, keeping data accurate, and arranging data in clear and efficient ways using normalization steps. With easy-to-follow examples and explanations, this guide is great for database managers, developers, and anyone interested in building strong, scalable, and easy-to-manage database systems.
Banuprakash Vellingiri
Associate Data Engineer

Since joining Ignitho in July 2024, Banuprakash has leveraged his skills in data engineering and data management. His role involves contributing to a digital marketing project, where he has gained experience in Python and various AWS services, including Athena, Lambda, and Amazon S3. Banuprakash focuses on building robust and scalable data pipelines by designing, and implementing ETL workflows and ensuring data quality.

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